Sets, Reps, %
The following charts have exercises listed with sets, reps, and percentages. These charts can be used for any sport or with any type of training program.
(Alternating Periodization)
Chart 1 lays out the reps, sets, and percentages for an 8-week standard program in an easy to read format.
(Linear Periodization)
Chart 2 lays out the reps, sets, and percentages for an 8-week standard program with variation.
(Alternating Periodization and Pyramid Sets)
Chart 1 lays out the reps, sets, and percentages for an 8-week secondary program in an easy to read format.
Load and repetition assignments based on training goal:
Goal = Strength
% of 1RM = 85% or higher
Rep range = 5-6
Goal = Power
% of 1RM = 80-90% (single effort lift), 75-85% (multiple effort lift)
Rep range = 1-2 (single effort lift), 3-5 (multiple effort lift)
Goal = Hypertrophy
% of 1RM = 67-85%
Rep range = 6-12
Goal = Muscular endurance
% of 1RM = Less than 67%
Rep range = Greater than 12
Types of Periodization
Periodization is the process of manipulating training loads and volumes (sets, reps, %) in order to achieve specific training goals.
There are 4 basic ways to periodize training: linear, alternating, micro, and conjugate.
In linear periodization you simply decrease volume and increase intensity each week until reaching a peak. For example, start with sets of 15, then next week do 12, then 10, etc down to 1-3 reps, increasing weight each week. This is going to work best using a split routine, like upper/lower or push/pull.
Alternating periodization is simply alternating between phases of higher volume (8-15 reps) and higher intensity (1-6 reps). You'd do 3-4 weeks of high volume, 3-4 weeks of high intensity, then repeat. This can work with a split or a full-body routine.
Micro-periodization is periodizing through the week. Monday would be a high volume day, Wednesday a light day (or possibly speed day), and Friday a high intensity day. This is an extremely effective method of periodization for building strength and is outlined well in Practical Programming, a book I highly recommend for anyone who lifts weights. This method works best with a full-body routine.
Conjugate (or more accurately concurrent) periodization is training multiple qualities at once. For example, there are no 'phases'--you're trying to build size, strength, and speed all at once every week. Micro-periodization can be considered a form of this, but conjugate periodization has more time dedicated to each quality every week. It's most effectively used in a lower/upper body split, having two days devoted to each, each week. One day is for max strength, the other for speed (or possibly size), and after the main lifts are performed, less stressful exercises are performed at a high volume for hypertrophy. This method is made famous by the Westside Barbell Club. For more information pick up “Science and Practice.”
All of these methods are effective for different reasons, the best thing to do is try them all out for 3-4 months at a time.
Below is a link to an NSCA article on the basics of periodization training for athletes. Please note that Table 2 in the article is labeled incorrectly!